The Wicked Orchard
Welcome to the Wicked Orchard.
Rather redundant, huh? I mean the website’s name is at the top of the page. So, let’s get down to it. You’re wondering:
Why am I here?
Where exactly have I landed?
You've landed in a small section of my mind. A landscape that holds a wealth of succulent knowledge, that is as cynical and angry, as it is giving and hopeful. Perusing these pages will give you glimpses into my mind through my fiction, podcast, and blog. And from time to time, you might find out other tidbits that bring me joy. If you’ve come this far, then that means you’re already interested, so click on one of the links above and go a little farther. Whether its tantalizing fiction, angry rants, informative essays, throwbacks to forgotten history, carefully crafted drama, or real-life accounts, it is all apportioned for the sake of seeking clarity, exposing our humanity, and aspiring to be better today than we were yesterday.