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The link to all of my articles posted on is listed below.   This blog is my opportunity to address issues that we, as a society, are faced with today, usually through a historical lens or personal experiences; and hopefully offer rational and reasonable solutions.  I will add a different sample post each week to pique one's non-fiction interest.

Why Are Voters Loyal To Politicians?
May 25, 2023
By Sidra Owens

Loyalty is an incredibly strong emotion, isn’t it?

Most people look for and covet loyalty in those they deal with daily. Having loyal friends or a loyal spouse can be hard to come by. So, when you find someone who is, we try to hold onto them.

But what if we encounter someone who isn’t loyal?

What do we do?

Typically, most people distance themselves. They will distance themselves or completely cut themselves off from the disloyal individuals unless they’re desperate.

This is where things get tricky because all sorts of situations can make someone desperate.

If you are someone who depends on their spouse for your livelihood, and then you discover that your spouse is disloyal; your circumstances will make you less likely to walk away from them.

If friends with which you share a long history suddenly prove to be disloyal, that history might make you reluctant to cut them off completely.

But what if it isn’t your spouse, your friends, or your family; what if it’s your elected official?

What do you do then?

Seems like an odd question, doesn’t it?

That’s because it is.

Why would you hold loyalty to a politician?

We need to see the relationship between voters and candidates for what it is. We, the voters, are the employers and the candidates are the employees.

Being loyal is having an unwavering faith in someone or something. So, why would we have an unwavering faith in elected officials?

We shouldn’t. The relationship between an electorate and their elected representative has been bastardized and skewed.

People in this country throw their support behind a candidate as if they are the next messiah. They cheer, cry, and listen entranced, as if their people are going to be led from bondage.

We need to see the relationship between voters and candidates for what it is. We, the voters, are the employers and the candidates are the employees.

That should be a relationship that all of us are familiar with.

You apply for a job, the employer pulls your application (resume), surveys it, calls you in for an interview, and if all goes well, they offer you the position and you accept.

The exact same thing applies for elected officials. They announce their candidacy for an office, and they begin to campaign. And if the electorate is smart, they begin to research that candidate. They make speeches appealing to our needs and wants. Election day arrives and either we hire them or someone else.

But what happens after that?

What happens once you’re hired?

You do as you’re told. And if you do not do as you’re told in a satisfactory manner then you get fired; and are forced to repeat the same song and dance all over again.

A song and dance is precisely what it is, because you have to convince the hiring employer that you will be a good fit for the job. You must prove to them that you care about the organization and its goals; and that more than a fair wage, experience is your greatest reward.

We all know that’s bullshit.

If jobs didn’t provide money, then no one would work them, and anyone who says different is lying to you.

It’s no different for politicians. If elected offices didn’t provide money, then people wouldn’t care to run. I am convinced that there are very few that do it for the love of humanity or to truly make a difference. Call me cynical if you like, but the current political climate seems proof enough.

Now, let’s rewind a bit.

We, the voters, are the employers; and once an individual has been voted for by the majority, (except when it comes to the presidency) then they are now our elected official, also known as our employee.

And what is the job of the employee?

To do what the employer tells them.

But that doesn’t happen in the United states, does it?

There are very few elected officials that do what their constituents tell them to do.


-The majority of the citizens of the United States are in favor of legalized marijuana, in the very least, a complete legalization of drugs, at the very most. But nothing happens.


-The majority of the citizens of the United States are in favor of stronger gun regulations, but there is no movement on it; only movement to loosen regulations concerning guns.


-The majority of the citizens of the United States are in favor of universal healthcare, but they prefer to do what the insurance companies tell them to do.


-The majority of the citizens of the United States are against the overturning of Roe V. Wade, but now state after to state are codifying stricter limitations on abortion nearly to the point of abolition.


It seems to me that most elected employees of the people are going against their employers at every turn.

So, tell me, dear reader, why are these elected officials still employed?

We don’t know; but what we do know is that they are willfully disobedient.

Yes, you read that right.


They do not do as we say.

They do not give us what we want, nor do they give us what we need.

Instead, elected officials dictate what we will get, and push for punishments if we don’t fall in line with their agenda.

Since when does the employee dictate to the employer?

The citizens of the United States are involved in a one-sided, highly abusive relationship. Instead of being employer and employee, the politicians are the jock and the voters are the inexperienced co-ed.

Only when the crazies are running the madhouse, which is precisely the situation we are living under in the United States.

The citizens of the United States are involved in a one-sided, highly abusive relationship. Instead of being employer and employee, the politicians are the jock and the voters are the inexperienced co-ed.

Every election cycle, they coax us into the backseat and start whispering sweet things in our ears, while touching us in naughty places that make us feel so good.

Many of us know it’s wrong.

Many of us know they’re lying.

But the soft words sound so sweet, and the naughty touches feel so good, that we give in, we buy in and let them into our pants.

Then once it’s over, we, the voters, go home feeling titillated, and we wait by the phone hoping that all the sweet things whispered into our collective ears come true.

But they never do.

So once again, I ask you, why be loyalty to politicians?

We shouldn’t be because they are never loyal to us.

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